Regular Pricing

Float packs are shareable. 30-minute floats are $20 less per float, and 90-minute floats are $20 more per float. Single floats expire 1 month after purchase and 3-packs expire 3 months after purchase.

Single Float—60 Minutes

$89 per float
  • Float credit expires 1 month past purchase date

3 Floats—60 Minutes Each

$75 per float
  • Float credits expire 3 months past purchase date

Float with a Friend

Two simultaneous 60-minute floats. Each friend has their own private room, and appointments must take place at the same time. Floats expire 1 month past purchase date.

2 Floats—60 Minutes Each

$75 per float
  • Float credits expire 1 month past purchase date


Monthly memberships are shareable; look at each specific membership for additional parameters. Members can increase any float up to 2 hours at no additional charge. Members also receive 15% off any and all supplements. For Unlimited/Concussion Packages, we recommend the 1-Size-Fits-All.


$65 per float
  • MOST POPULAR! Includes one 60-minute float per month. Unused floats roll over month-to-month and expire 3 months past purchase date. Additional floats that month are $49 each until five floats total have been purchased within one billing cycle. All floats beyond that fifth appointment are free until the next billing date. Members may gift their credits to others; those credits only count towards free floats if the member is floating at the same time.

SYNC or Swim - 2 Floats

*$60 ($40) per float
  • This membership is a screaming deal, but not for everyone. Make sure you read and understand the description, and reach out with questions. Includes two 60-minute float credits per month. Unused floats expire after 30 days. *A $20 credit is awarded for each used float credit. This means consistent floaters using all of their credits within the billing cycle receive $40 back each month to go towards their next membership payment. Additional floats are $40 each.
As a generally anxious person I was a little nervous for my float experience and SYNC Float center was AMAZING… The float experience was definitely relaxing, but the biggest benefit was about 10 minutes before it was overI literally couldn’t stop smiling. Hours later I just feel happier and more rested than I have in weeks. I would 100% recommend trying this…
KF Marketing Manager