Float therapy minimizes all external stimuli — light, sound, temperature gradient, and even gravity — as you float in pod containing approximately ten inches of water and one thousand pounds of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt). This combination of flotation and sensory reduction coupled with the absorption of magnesium gives the body a truly comprehensive opportunity for rest, recovery, and relaxation.

For the Mind

Mentally, float therapy decreases stress and anxiety while enhancing focus, clarity, confidence, and creativity.

Mental Benefits:

  • Heighten focus
  • Improve clarity
  • Increase confidence
  • Reduce stress
  • Alleviate anxiety
  • Enhance creativity

For the Body

Physically, float therapy addresses issues such as acute and chronic pain, dehydration, and lack of coordination.

Physical Benefits:

  • Recover from workouts and injuries
  • Relieve back pain
  • Soothe joint pain
  • Improve coordination
  • Rehydrate tissues

Magnesium, Flotation, & Sensory Reduction

The act of floating combines three simple components, each of which has its own therapeutic value:


Exposing the skin to such highly concentrated magnesium increases the body's level of this mineral, which is used in over 300 chemical processes. Magnesium is especially important for the managing stress; it can calm the nervous system and help lower blood pressure. It is also used to relieve tension in the muscles, alleviating soft-tissue pains such as backaches, migraines, and sciatica.


Each float pod contains approximately 10 inches of water and about 1000 pounds of magnesium sulfate, a magnesium-based salt. This high salt concentration makes the water more dense than our bodies, allowing us to effortlessly float on the surface. Floating takes pressure off of our joints, realigns and lengthens the skeleton, and brings blood flow to injured areas.

Sensory Reduction

When you float you're exposed to no light, no sound, no temperature gradient, and no physical pressure. Think of your smart phone. While it can run several programs simultaneously, the more apps that are open, the slower and less efficient the phone becomes. Our bodies work the same way: reducing the amount of stimuli we’re exposed to is like closing an app, freeing up more power to run everything else.

Who's Benefiting from Float Therapy?

We'd say just about everyone, but here are some key groups we serve:


While floating, the brain spends resources processing what it has experienced. It uses that time to piece together different ideas into new ones, and converts short-term memories into long-term.

Those with PTSD

While floating, people who suffer from PTSD can deal with their past in a completely safe space. And we're giving away free floats so they can do just that.

Those Recovering from Injuries

With all our technology, the best treatment for a concussion is still good, old-fashioned rest. Floating can enhance rest and speed up recovery.

Expecting Mothers

“That pool of salt water was the best mattress ever. I could lay there and feel the baby. Just me and my baby, in our own quiet, peaceful, happy place.”


Our bodies are capable of anything. It’s our minds we have to convince.

Two floats. Two hours of relaxation, clarity, and new questions I may not have found any other way. New story ideas, inspiration, and models for looking at the world showed up during the float and in conversation with Michelle. Thank you!
Cole Lehman Writer